What makes the Sound unique is the opportunity to record music, sounds, and sessions along the way while learning how to become a musician. I guide individuals of any skill level based on their interests and encourage them to be themselves. I pride myself on striving to help people be authentic and original all the while learning how to make music. Many of my long time clients have moved from strictly taking lessons, to being collaborators. I am happy to share some of these songs, sounds and moments with you here. To me it's not about perfection, sounding like other bands or musicians, or trying to get famous, but capturing the moment and having fun. There is a mountain of music on my computer that was recorded here at the Sound, and this page aims to provide a glimpse. These are all collaborations with myself captured at the Sound!
Devin Rae - Guitars - Fly Away
FELIX - Drums/Synths - Blank Slate
Sol Battaglio - Drums - Make Believe
Ben Sera - Guitars - Always Crush me
Jakub James - Co-Producer - Let's go! (First flight remix)
Jakub James - Co-ProducerStation Play
Sol Battaglio - Drums - Love Remains
The Unkindness by SPāDE
A song about Ravens that is meant to be played loud!
Devin Rae - Guitars - Devin's Blooze
Kinley Murphy - Drums - Eraserhead
Solomon Hergesheimer - Guitars/Vocals/Songwriter
Bridges |
Chris Crosby - Songwriter/Vocals
I am RA
Brielle Taylor - Songwriter/Vocals - When you leave
Simon Cameron - Co-songwriter/ukulele - One small thing
Lance Mooney - Songwriter/Co-Producer - Your own bed
Daphne Sutherland - Co-writer/Vocals - Legacy
Killing me Softly |
Exile |
Brielle Taylor |
Ryder Hulls |
C H E E S E |
Blindsided |
Hazel Hovanes |
Sol Battaglio |
Spade - Title the Document
A band forged over eight years at the Soundspace studio - Spade released their debut full length release on June 1st, 2022. Written, performed and produced by Steve Wright and Spade Hoile, this melodic hard rock epic release was mixed by Ryan Froggatt (Neko Case/Kevin Kane) and mastered in Toronto by Caleb Stull.

Recordings from collaborative sessions
Lance Mooney
Night Swings |
The Coldest Night
Oskar Erlenbusch
Sound Spirits |
Gaslight |
Kieran Fink-Jensen
The Convoy |
Crazy Emotion |
Edgy Novel
Simon and Mark Cameron
Hey Kid |
Max Pasieka-Beck
Max Blues |
Old Yeller
Time Bender |
Recordings with house studio band Old Yeller. We meet once a week for an hour and make up songs on the fly. Time Bender was based around an E minor add 11 chord if you really want to know, and the lyrics were improvised by myself. ALL THE GIANTS came quick too, and was a live off the floor recording. We've got some great songs on the boil, and plan on playing live in the near future!
Solomon Hergesheimer
Here forever |
Chris Crosby
Christmas in Albania |
Some highlight recordings and moments from the 2021 season!
Hold the line
Wes and I wrote this song on Remembrance day. It just flew right out. I like to think that my Grandfather was in the session with us. I did some research on Alf Neely combined with the stories he had told me while growing up and we hit it live off the floor. We got it so good. I also reached out to some distant cousins who sent me some bagpipe recordings that I put into the track. It's a family affair!
Hold the Line
HinterlandI'm an old rocker at heart, and this is the proof! Kind of a tool meets Black Sabbath meets Steve and a young teen basher on the drums!
Ryder has been with me for three years now every week, and we have had forays into remixing electronica and playing a few Nirvana covers. This one is a basher. Fun that I get to do overdubs in my "off hours" and play bass too. I love it all. We wrote the music together and recorded it live off the floor with guitar and drums, and then I added other bits afterwards. If memory serves, the lyrics are inspired by the Egyptian book of the dead. Nicolai PetrovA song sung by a Russian gangster, and it should be noted - dressed in legit black adidas outfit with accompanying dragon necklace bling. Chris is committed to his characters and music!
Looking BackYoung Lance came to me with scribbled lyrics on folded lined paper in hand and a passion to rap. The next week he showed up and sung me a verse of a melody he had written, and I was super impressed. I came up with a chorus on the spot and Lance goes "Oh, so you're really good at this hey?!" We wrote the lyrics together, and I produced him singing. He "doubled" his vocals which is a tough thing singing into the mic for the first time! Super catchy song with powerful lyrics, way to go Lance! MasterpieceOscar has been with me for 2 years, playing the drums as a beginner. He's now 13 years old. Here's a track to demonstrate how far you can come when you stick with it, practice and enjoy playing music.
We worked on this one over about 4 sessions, refining the parts and getting tight. As usual, I made up the lyrics on the spot, and in this case went back and wrote some new ones that I felt fit better with the vibe. A song about believing in yourself, no matter what circumstances come your way, or others opinions about you. Rock on, Oskar! |
Four 5 second songsThis could well be a whole new genre of music! That's right, it's Five second songs! We have been working together and collaborating for many years now and Larkin always has his creative mind going and here's the result this time. The beauty of these is it's literally one idea and the parameters are they have to be no longer than five seconds each! Here's four! Stalker bluesThis is Max. We usually like to rock out, improvise songs, and play the odd cover from time to time. Max is really interested in the process of music and always game to try whatever I throw at him, whether it be a time signature, or a musical idea.
On this occasion he wanted to try playing the drums with the brushes, so I gave him a few tips, and off we went. We came up with this in a 30 minute session, and both agreed it was dark sounding and needed some dark lyrics to match. I took a few notes from the original improv lyrics, fashioned these up and a song is born. I love the space in this one, not to mention the great kick drum sound we got! |
Funky Jam!SPāDE is my longest running student here at the Sound, and we are currently working hard on a BIG rock record to release this year, so I'll only post a few bits here.
This one was a one off jam we did and like the rest of our songs, it's SO fun to play! We write a song per session these days, unless it's complicated and we spend a bit more time on it. We write all the music together as well as the lyrics. |
Utopia (mix 1)An alternate faster take of Utopia from "title the document" by SPāDE and one - admittedly - I couldn't figure out at first. When student becomes teacher!
SPāDE came up with this crazy drum pattern and I couldn't figure out what the beat was or where the "downbeat" was. After much teasing and coaxing, I finally got it, and then I shredded! I defy anyone to get it on first listen! The demo video is below the picture to the left, and you can hear the pattern in the song above! As with most of our songs, we collaborate on the lyrics as we did this one. |
Some highlight recordings and moments from the 2020 season!
Computer SongAn exploration through music using only computer sounds. Oh and a synthesizer. Larkin played everything and co-produced. When we came up with the stuttered alphabet sounds I wondered aloud if anyone had done this before. A good lesson that there's always new sounds to discover.
In the MiddleOne of my favourite lyrics I've written over the last few years. This tune is from a short lived band thrown together to give students the experience of playing together in a group situation. Chris was on the guitar, and August on the bass. I played drums, and directed them from there. We came up with this song, structured it a bit more, added a synth after and I wrote these lyrics and sang it. If you know anything about law of attraction and manifestation, then this should resonate with you.
Costello's loungeChris and I have done everything from Metal songs about Egyptian God's, to House music with a Russian accent and all points in between. Chris was inspired by me making up lyrics and melodies on the spot and began to to the same. Here's a great one, done live off the floor.
RocketsDone with former student Sam McGarry on the drums.
Save your soul, it’s forever, not a waste of time You’ll be glad, you’ll be better Set your state of mind Set it to full Full of the joy Listen to your blood and what it whispers Oh boy, you’re in control. Your intentions dictate where you really want to go On the map, off the grid or somewhere in between. Understand how your feelings make you make mistakes That you can’t erase, and that’s ok Shoot your rockets skywards and watch them Watch them fly, So far away You’ll have names for all of them if you name them all today So, this is your soul Holding up a mirror to your goals Oh this is your soul Reaching out with rockets leading where you want to go Rocket Desire Rockets of love The rockets are yours in the sky above Rocket of faith Rocket of hope Rockets of fear swinging on a rope Save your soul, it’s forever Rockets away |
All the wayIt's rare when a student wants to help write lyrics, but Ryder had some verses for a song, so I helped him make it fit a bit more, and we wrote another verse and here it is!
Another basher! We love melodic hard rock at the sound! ShabackdooOften we like to experiment at the sound and record the results. The great thing about trying things out with no expectations, is you always happen into new territory which is exciting, and then ideas start to flow. Our human pattern seeking brains like to organize things, and that's exactly what we did here. Weston messed about, and I lined things up a bit to make it have some kind of flow. So fun to play with sound.
2019 Soundspace recordings release!
Available on all streaming platforms worldwide
The Soundspace featuring Sunshine Coast Youth
BIG exciting news! In July 2019 the Soundspace studio unveiled THREE discs (ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!) created at the studio during sessions with students. Thirty-six tracks ranging from all out rockers to audio experiments and improvised songs to carefully crafted teen expressions of being alive and making music! Super proud of all of this work, and excited to share. All proceeds from these releases will go to the Sunshine Coast Arts Council to further support them in their efforts to highlight more youth oriented programs, music and art!
Thanks to the Coast Reporter for some local press HERE.
School through the ages
School through the ages
Gretch Thumb Loop
Young artist and producer Gretchen Hergesheimer co wrote this, sang it beautifully, and co-produced it! What a lovely little fun warm track it is!